Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 3

Friday was a bit easier. I had my bro make some extra cupcakes to use the remaining icing, but I really wasn't eyeballing them. Have a good weekend!
Breakfast: Don't remember!
Lunch: Don't remember! (At least I know they weren't sweets!)
Dinner: Daddy's BBQ chicken

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 2 & Cupcakes!

Breakfast: Multigrain Cheerios
Lunch: Turkey & Cheddar sandwich (with homemade bread!)
Dinner: Chile Verde (from

It's definitely getting harder. About 1pm yesterday, I could have killed for a cupcake. Then I had to make some for Mija's school and not munch on them. I did lick the spoon on the way to the sink without thinking of it. Did I mention I don't think about what I eat? Then this morning, I had to make the icing for it, too. I looked for an easy, but decadent icing I could use immediately. I chose Pioneer Woman's Sticky Chocolate icing. No one was awake, so I did sample it to make sure it wasn't nasty. Ha. Sooo good. I'll have to make some when I'm done with my 40 days. Ok, no more obligatory desserts until near the end of the month. I'm channeling my baking/cooking craze into savory items, so I still get to indulge my kitchen love.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

40 Days - Day 1

Yesterday went okay! I'm beginning to see how unaware I am of what I eat, and how often I just grab something without thought. I goofed a little! My bro doesn't like the cherry Starbursts and offered them to me, along with a strawberry one he was reluctant to let go of. I popped one in my mouth and went back to cleaning the kitchen. While clearing the table, my mission came back to me, and I quickly spit it out. Darnit! Foiled already.
Breakfast - Egg & Cheese Burrito
Lunch - Cold chicken thighs & BBQ sauce
Dinner - Costco Pepperoni Pizza
Drinks - Iced Tea, Dr. Pepper, & shared a pink lemonade with Mija

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

40 days w/o Sweets: Mardi Gras (Day -1)

Wow, my blog is getting off to a great start. I just deleted some posts since they were going nowhere. I've decided to blog about my newest undertaking meanwhile. It'll keep me on track, hopefully, and maybe kickstart my blogging.
First off, I'm not a "practicing Catholic", as they like to say. I try to honor God in my everyday life, in the way I live and act, but I don't go to church on Sunday or abstain from meat on the assigned Fridays. However, I do like the Lenten sacrifice and try to genuinely think of something it would be hard for me to do without for 40 days. It's more like borrowing someone else's time constraint though - someone else dictates which 40 days. Otherwise, "I'll start tomorrow."
So this year it's sweets. I've got a giant sweet tooth (and the waistline to match.) I usually have SOMETHING sweet everyday. So can I live 40 days without a late-night run to the 7-11 to pick up some Ben & Jerry's or making cakes and munching on the scraps? Can I resist when one of the clan brings home donuts or cookies? (Which they do frequently.) We'll have yet to see. I have an order for 27 Double Chocolate cupcakes due Friday. A few friend's birthdays fall in the timeframe. What to do?
So last night was Fat Tuesday! My last day for eating fattening appropriate. However, we were low on funds so my last big hurrah was a pint of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter cup, which I didn't eat more than a few spoonfuls of. Today is now Day 1 and payday.